

摘要:可吸收光的有機碳(又稱棕碳,BrC)因對光吸收有重要貢獻而被認為是區域至全球氣候變化的關鍵驅動力。棕碳主要從燃燒過程(生質、生化燃料、化石燃料燃燒等)到大氣中的二次形成的來源皆有所不同。本篇研究在2016年3月至4月間於東南亞半島北部泰國清邁的都市環境中調查棕碳光吸收特性,在光波長370-950nm的範圍間,估算棕碳吸收的太陽輻射相對於黑碳(Black carbon, BC)的貢獻比為34±7%,可顯著影響輻射收支,進而影響大氣光化學過程。

Title: Brown carbon light absorption over an urban environment in northern peninsular Southeast Asia

Overview: Light-absorbing organic carbon (or brown carbon, BrC) has been recognized as a critical driver in regional-to-global climate change on account of its significant contribution to light absorption. BrC sources vary from primary combustion processes (burning of biomass, biofuel, and fossil fuel) to secondary formation in the atmosphere. This paper investigated the light-absorbing properties of BrC over an urban environment of Chiang Mai, Thailand in northern peninsular Southeast Asia (PSEA), from March to April 2016. The fractional contribution of solar radiation absorbed by BrC relative to black carbon (BC) in the 370–950 nm range was estimated to be 34 ± 7%, which can significantly influence the regional radiation budget and consequently atmospheric photochemistry.


參考文獻: Pani, S. K., Lin, N. H., Griffith, S. M., Chantara, S., Lee, C. T., Thepnuan, D., & Tsai, Y. I. (2021). Brown carbon light absorption over an urban environment in northern peninsular Southeast Asia. Environmental Pollution, 276, 116735.

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